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Now downloading free:Samsung 20061023162847421 ks7c-p-disas-12

Samsung 20061023162847421 ks7c-p-disas-12 free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

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File name:20061023162847421_ks7c-p-disas-12.pdf
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Model:20061023162847421 ks7c-p-disas-12 🔎
Original:20061023162847421 ks7c-p-disas-12 🔎
Descr: Samsung TV CS29Z45 chassis KS7C CS29Z45MQTXXSE__KS7C 20061023162847421_ks7c-p-disas-12.pdf
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File name 20061023162847421_ks7c-p-disas-12.pdf

Disassembly & Reassembly 12. Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1 Overhaul Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-1 Disassembling the Cabinet Part Name Description Description Photo Back Remove the 8 screws fixing the Back Cover. Cover : SWRCH18A,M4,L20,RH,+,2S,-,Z Remove the 1 screws fixing the Main and T/Board. : RH,+,B,M4,L15,ZPC(BLK) Tap the upper part of the Back Cover 2 or 3 times and pull the Back Cover to separate it from the unit. Notice: Disassemble the product after disconnecting the power cord and discharge the unit to prevent an electric shock and damage to the product due to static electricity. Samsung Electronics 12-1 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-2 Disassembling the CRT and Chassis Part Name Description Description Photo Chassis Separate the Ass'y Holder chassis from the Front Cabinet. Holder Pull the Chassis "Stopper-pcb" gently from left to right Notice: Pulling the Chassis Holder by force may damage "Stopper-pcb". Separate the Speakers, the Side AV wire and S-VHS wire, TBC wire from the Front Cabinet and the Main Board Notice: Since there is a clip to connect the Connector Header in the Wire Connector, pulling it by force may damage the clip or the connector. Press the clip down completely and pull the connector. Separate the D-Coil and power cable and the remote control sensor cable from the Main Board. To separate the Wire, Fixing clip and pressing the Wire. Separate the CRT Ass'y from the CRT. Separate the TBC wire, GND, VM cables from the CRT Ass'y sequentially. 12-2 Samsung Electronics Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Description Description Photo Chassis Separate the Deflection cable from the Main Board. Holder Notice: Pulling it by force may damage the Deflection cable. Press the clip down completely and pull the Deflection cable. Separate the cables connecting the FBT and the CRT. Notice: Since there may be a remaining high-voltage current within th CRT, take care not to touch the CRT hole with metal or a part of yourself when separating the cables. Samsung Electronics

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